The Pandemic Survival series becomes Pandemic System
Steve Kimball, the Z-man Games head of studio, announced on their website that the Survival series of Pandemic spin-offs will now bear the Pandemic System label. This mainly means one thing: that the spin-offs will no longer be limited editions.
So far, the Pandemic Survival series consisted of titles that were products of collaboration between Matt Leacock and a designer from the country the Pandemic Survival World Championship took place. The popularity of these titles, however, made Z-man reconsider the single print-run limitation.
From now on, the Pandemic spin-offs, be they historical or fantasy, will not be based on the tournament location, and will be reprinted indefinitely. The new editions will not have Pandemic in the title, but will bear the Pandemic System label on the box.
The first game to be thus reprinted will be Reign of Cthulhu.
