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Sad days for Word Forge Games

In his latest update for Kickstarter backers of D-Day Dice (Second edition), head of Word Forge Games, Mark Rapson, spoke about the hardships the company has been going through ever since the appearance of Covid-19. He also talked about the future of WFG, or rather its lack thereof.

Image source: BGG

Word Forge Games is the publisher of D-Day Dice (second edition), Pocket Landship, and Astroforce, among others. They also fulfilled Airborne in Your Pocket from their own money to victims of the first KS campaign by another company. After a very long period of delay and internal problems, with Mark's business partner abandoning the project, D-Day Dice has largely fulfilled. The French, German and Spanish language versions are currently being produced, but NUTS! Publishing has decided not to put out Airborne in your Pocket and the Inside The Bunker expansion in French. Mark promises to take care of the matter himself.

Image source: Word Forge Games Facebook page

Lockdown deprived WFG of income from gaming shows, while international shipping costs have risen. Retail orders were cancelled, US packages were not sent by Games Quest on time (that is, before the virus), and, to cut a long story short, the company is in a very bad place at the moment. After Astroforce is fulfilled, WFG may shut down. We keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't. Not just because some of their games are among my personal favourites, but it's sad to lose small publishers that work from their hearts.

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2020년 7월 10일

Yeah I'm in the Astroforce Kickstarter and there hasn't been any pledge manager yet. I'm actually hoping they might throw in some d day dice options in the pledge manager when they do it, I'd buy more stuff. Also, their website is down from being hacked.


2020년 7월 09일

Astroforce is the IP-less re-implementation of the PnP Star Trek: the Dice Game, with some extras thrown in. I don't think the Pledge Manager has been opened for late pledges.


2020년 7월 09일

That's so sad! I had such a good experience with Pocket Landship. I'll go through the rules of Astroforce and, if I like these, I will purchase it on their website, as a small token of support.


2020년 7월 09일

Bad news. Hopefully after filling current orders WFG just takes a break and reorganizes rather than fully shutting down.


Wouter Cordewiner
Wouter Cordewiner
2020년 7월 08일

Sad to hear. I was positively impressed with the solid production quality of D-Day Dice.

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