Living the Paleo life
Paleo is a 2-4 player cooperative game in which your tribe is trying to survive the adversities of everyday life in the Stone Age. It can be played solo either by controlling two groups of tribespeople, or by following the rules of the solo variant. It is currently on sale in retail but you may need to ask your local store for availability.

Each player in Paleo controls a group of people, and starts the game with two tribe members. The game also comes with different modules -separate decks of cards- that you will include in each one of your sessions to make it variable.
Rounds are divided in a Day and a Night phase. During the Day, your tribe performs most of its actions. Each player receives a personal deck of cards and a portion of the main deck, and draws 3 cards from the main deck every turn. The cards are drawn face down, and you have to choose one basing your decision just on the backs of the cards. The card backs will show e.g. a forest, a mountain, or a river, hinting at what may be on the other side but you can't be sure. Once you pick the one you want, you return the other two on top of the deck.

The chosen card is then revealed, and you resolve one of the actions shown on it by spending your personal cards. When you no longer have cards to spend from your personal deck, the Day ends. Some cards will reveal hazards which deal damage to your people. You choose which of your members will be harmed or killed.
In the Night phase, it's time for paleo diet: all members of the tribe have to eat. Each unfed person gains you a skull token. Dead people also give you skulls. If you ever collect 5 skulls, you lose the game. If, on the other hand, you manage to collect 5 victory tokens and complete the cave painting, you win.
In the solo variant, the entire main deck is at your disposal. When you reveal a card, you can decide if you want to 'call for help': spend 2 cards from your personal deck to roll 1 die, or 4 cards to roll 2 dice and add the results to the abilities you already have.
You’re welcome for the Fossilis news. As it turns out, just last week I had sent KTBG a message asking about the correct Player Count for Fossilis. On their Website the box cover says 2-4 Players. In the Rulebook section of their Website it said 2-5 Players. BGG said it was 1-5 Players. Anyway, they responded (pretty quickly) saying there was a Solo Mode, sold separately. I wrote back saying I couldn’t find it in their “Shopping Section”. They responded (pretty quickly, again) saying it would be available today (Monday, 7 Dec). Sure enough, there it was.
Athena, thanks for the info about the designer’s comment and the Solo play-through of Paleo. It’s near the top of my “Videos to…
Yes, thanks for the Fossilis news. I decided to buy in. There are some positive posts over at bgg about the solo mode, I'm going to take a chance on it.
Hey Mike, thanks for sharing the Fossilis news.
The designer of Paleo said he didn't enjoy playing his game solo because he was missing the player interactions. He included a solo mode but kinda half-heartedly.
People who have played it solo, however, seem to really enjoy it. Check out J-play's video playthrough to get an idea if you like.
Thanks, Athena. I like the prehistoric theme. I currently own only 2 games with that theme - Dinoblivion and Tiny Epic Dinosaurs - but one more won't hurt.
How many games do I need? Just one more! :^)
I don't get why games that have a Solo Variant advertise as 2-4 Players. What's up with that, anyway?
Have you played the Solo Variant of Paleo? If so, what say you? Thumbs-Up, or off with their heads (for making a lame Solo Variant)? ;^)
P.S. Speakin' of dinosaurs and stuff, KTBG just came out with a Solo Variant for Fossilis (available for pre-order). It's included in a 6-pack of expansions. The Solo one is called the 'Bone Wars Solo Mode'. H…