GMT Games announces solo-focused in-house studio
In their latest newsletter, GMT announced the creation of an in-house development team -GMT One-who will work on solo modes for the company's multiplayer games. The team will include the designers of the solitaire systems in Tank Duel and Gandhi, and it will partner with John Butterfield, Mark Herman, Volko Ruhnke, Harold Buchanan, and Mike Bertucelli.
GMT One will work on two upcoming games: Prime Minister and In The Shadows. In Prime Minister (1-4 players), you play as a politician during the reign of Queen Victoria. Over the course of the game you will try to climb the echelons of power in order to become prime minister.

In the solo mode of In The Shadows (1-2 players), you take on the role of a leader of the Resistance movement in WWII France and play against the Occupation AI. Both these games are currently in the P500 pre-order program of the company.

GMT is also turning the CDG solo system by Stuka Joe and Ken Kuhn into an official release. This is a system developed to improve two-handed wargame play and includes rules, a custom die, and playsheets for 6 card-driven GMT games: Paths of Glory, Washington's War, Illusions of Glory, For The People, Ceasar: Rome vs. Gaul, and Commands & Colors: Ancients. The CDG system can be ordered via P500 as well.
CDG Solo System has been officially released - I think. 🙂
Click here for all the info.
Excerpt: The CDG Solo System is a revised GMT Edition of Stuka Joe's CDG solo method, which streamlines two-handed solitaire gameplay by decreasing turn to turn overhead and maintenance. This method of play increases narrative immersion as the great battles of history unfold on your tabletop. The GMT edition of the CDG Solo System includes professionally printed components, a custom screen-printed die, an official ruleset, and Playsheets for six of GMT’s most popular Card Driven Games.
Photo Courtesy of GMT Games.
LOL! Frank, you are truly the Wizard of Wit.
Young JW had often wondered why people would ask him to play Go Fish then never show up. He would excitedly grab his lucky fishin' pole and run down to the local fishing pond... but no one ever met him there. It would be those lonely days of fishing alone that led to adult JW playing solo board games.
LOL! Actually, I was referring to the Go Fish card game played with regular poker cards, even.
"Do you have a 5?" "Nope." "Go fish!" (Draw a card).
However, the one you were playing yesterday (that was funny) is pretty cool. I seem to recall the "water" is actually rotating slowly, making it much trickier to catch a fish.
Speakin' of fishin', remember this movie (probably not)? :^)
The Hunters and Tank Duel look cool, JW. Thanks for the tip. I like tanks and submarines.
I might get one of each. Tanks here and, ah, crap, I just missed it.
P.S. Good luck on SE4x and Labyrinth: WoT!