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Stormsunder: Heirs of Ruin is live (A storm of minis)

Writer's picture: AthenaAthena

Stormsunder: Heirs of Ruin is live on Kickstarter, and the campaign will run for just 8 days. You can back to get the base game or also add the Bones of the Conquered expansion or, for a meager 450$, go all-in to get the Pharaoh's Wrath expansion as well. Every backer receives the Last Titan exclusive mini for free.

Image source: KIckstarter page

Our preview post below was published on February 20.


Stormsunder: Heirs of Ruin is a 1-4 player cooperative adventure game in which a team of heroes fight against an onslaught of demons, vampires and other villains. The game will launch on Kickstarter on February 25.

Image source: Lazy Squire Facebook page

Stormsunder is a behemoth: the core game has a 300 page-long campaign book, 100 miniatures and more than a thousand cards. As if this was not enough, it also comes with two expansions that raise the numbers of components to mind-blowing heights.

In Stormsunder, you begin your adventures in Tarpitt, the city of vampires. Your group of heroes is seeking to find artifacts that will stop the cataclysmic arrival of evil. During the course of the game, you will have to make decisions, choose-your-own-adventure-style. Then, you read the consequences of your choice in the campaign book.

If you don't feel like reading too much flavour text, you can skip directly to the 'wordsunder' box, that summarizes what you have to do in a sentence. Each hero has their own ability deck that they draw from during combat. Attacks are resolved via dice rolling, and applying armor, weapons etc.

Image source: Lazy Squire Games Facebook page

You may check the Kickstarter preview.

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