Aug 22, 2021

Celebrating two magical years

Update August 22: You may wonder by now who has won the contest. After an exhaustive discussion, the jury unanimously came to the conclusion that all two entries should be awarded the prize. The posts that Derek "Bargain Ninja" and Gloomknight "Spice Lord" sent in were of outstanding quality. We are proud to be featuring them on our website this week. 🥇

Our congratulations 🥳, we'll be in touch about the postcards!

It's Friday the 13th and time to rejoice. Our baby Solitaire Times turned two years old today! It just said "no" to me. Again. 🙄

It was another magical year. There were so many solitaire games released that we had to hire extra staff for our news section. "The Bat" Zerbique delivered more than we ever expected. Our Loners Lounge got more regular visitors. It's become a great place to hang out. And recently we crossed the amazing milestone of 1000 blog posts.

We'd like to thank all our readers, those who leave comments and the silent ones. This is all a labour of love, and your visits keep us going.

But that's not what you're here for. Where's the giveaway? Where's the prizes? Come on already!

Solitaire Times 2021 Contest

We love seeing shelf pictures. We love hearing stories. So for this year's contest:

  • send us a picture of your game shelf (or a few pictures)

  • include a text about your solitaire games collection, or how you got into solitaire gaming, or which ones are your favourite solitaire games - anything nice to go with the picture

The contest will run until and including Wednesday, August 18. You can send your entry (picture + text) by email to: solitairetimeswebsite@gmail.com

Fantastic prizes

There will be as many winners as I've got international stamps left (I'll have to check 😜). They will be announced on Friday 20. All winners will get:

  • Their story published in our section Shelf Expression

  • Handwritten postcards from Athena and me

Good luck!
