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Watch your Back: Week November 13 to 19

Writer's picture: AthenaAthena

If you still have money left since last week's releases, then check out today's platter; see if you find anything appetizing.


Next week's menu starts with Maple Valley: a 1-5 player hand management and set collection game in which forest creatures (which you may know from Creature Comforts) are preparing a spring festival.

You are playing 'friends' cards from your hand in order to travel across the map, collect resources, and interact with locations that you find along the way. Solo rules haven't been revealed yet. It is launching on Kickstarter on November 15.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: I suspect a BYOS solo mode which is what kept me away from Creature Comforts. Very cute games but I need a win condition to get cozy.


Next up is Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Board Game. This is a 1-3 player fantasy adventure game in which your chosen heroes journey across the land fighting enemies and developing their cities.

It comes with competitive and cooperative scenarios as well as a solo campaign. Battles are executed on separate boards by placing down your unit cards, moving the cards according to their initiative, and rolling dice to attack. It is launching on Kickstarter on November 15.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: This looks like a good adventure game but takes too much table space because of the extra battle boards. I will think about it.


Then we have Werewolf: The Apocalypse - RETALIATION. This is a 1-4 player cooperative adventure game in which you play as a werewolf trying to recuperate losses after your pack was decimated.

There is no info available regarding gameplay, other than that the game comes with scenarios, minis, and has a strong roleplaying aspect. It is launching on Kickstarter on November 15.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: This is by the team behind Vampire: The Masquerade - Chapters which hasn't yet been delivered to backers, so I'm a bit skeptical. That said, I'll check the game out, the theme sounds appealing.


Moving on to the return of Dark Venture: the second edition of the game plus two new expansions are launching on Kickstarter on November 15.

If you already have the first edition, you can just pledge for the upgrade pack. Dark Venture is a 1-4 player cooperative narrative adventure game in which heroes set out to complete quests and fight enemies in a strange land. The new expansions feature an arena where fights take place, and a new hero set.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: I love Dark Venture even though it hasn't hit the table recently (it is quite fiddly). I'll definitely back for the upgrade pack and the arena expansion.


And we close off with Bestiary of Sigillum: Collector's Edition: a 2-4 player area control game in which summoners gather their forces and fight for control of the opponent's castle. The Gamefound campaign on November 15 also adds a solo mode against Vinctum, the prisoner, and 16 puzzles to go through. You may check the Gamefound preview.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: The phrase 'solo puzzles' is enough to keep me at bay.

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6 comentarios

15 nov 2022

When the allegedly exciting reveal of stretch goals boils down to a tedious loading bar:

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15 nov 2022

Project EOS Rise has just been announced for a today launch.

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14 nov 2022

I'll be backing the Dark Venture upgrade pack and two mini expansions. I don't get it to the table a lot but I enjoy it when it does come out.

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13 nov 2022

Maple Valley - one I wanted to check, but competitive, so probably pass HoMaM 3 - while I have nostalgia for the game, the boardgame is not for me

Werewolf: The Apocalypse - RETALIATION - I know the Vampire: The Masquerade - Chapters is already fixed on bgg, but kudos for the enthusiasm to always yell at people with the names... CHAPTERS

Dark Venture - while interesting, I really dislike the art and graphic design, so pass Bestiary of Sigillum: Collector's Edition - almost got me with the puzzles, I will check it out at least

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13 nov 2022

This is a disaster of a week for me. I'll be backing both Dark Venture (although I really ought to play the base game at some point) and HOMM3 with a quasi-certainty.

I was happy to hear about a Dark Venture reprint, but the time really wasn't quire right with HOMM3 lurking around the corner.

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