Watch your Back: Week May 7 to 13
May is being relatively quiet so far; there wasn't much to mention last week, and there are just three games announced for this coming week. I, for one, welcome this slow rhythm. Let's see what these three releases are.
Raising Robots is a 1-6 player competitive engine building game in which you are a robot inventor trying to create the best collection of robots.
At the start of your turn, you choose two phases in which to spend energy on, then reveal what those phases are simultaneously with the other players. Phases allow you to upgrade, assemble, design, fabricate, or recycle. The energy spent on any phase also gives more energy to your opponents. In the solo mode, you will play against two AIs. It is launching on Kickstarter on May 9.

Personal opinion: The illustration in this game is wonderful, and reason alone to pay it attention. Handling two AIs sounds like a hassle, but the designer says they have very little upkeep, so perhaps it's worth looking into.
Next, we have Skytear Horde: Monolith. This is a standalone expansion to the 1-3 player cooperative tower defense card game Skytear Horde.
In the base game, you choose one out of four available factions with which you are going to defend your castle from monster attacks. Monsters and allies cards are arranged in lanes and deal damage to each other until either the enemies are defeated, or there is no one left to defend the castle.
The Monolith expansion comes in two different versions: one for newcomers who want everything Skytear Horde, and one for returning owners of the game who just want the new stuff. It is launching on Gamefound on May 9.

Personal opinion: I am the target group for this game but I will wait for retail. I know I will want the neoprene mat but my current budget is tight.
And the last game for today is Classic Rally: a 1-4 player hand management racing game in which you are taking part in a rally.
You will be controlling two cars: one competition car and one assistance car, and playing fuel cards to move them. Weather and malfunctions will affect your progress, as will do you car features and accessories. Solo rules haven't been revealed yet. It is launching on Gamefound on May 8.

Personal opinion: Even though I never watch car rallies, I like the idea of moving forward while dealing with various problems. I'll check it out to see how it works in solo.
Leviathan Wilds is also relaunching tomorrow May 9 on Kickstarter (according to their website).
Personally, I may back it, depending on the rules and price.
Thanks for your interest and reference about Classic Rally! The rulebook will be available real soon. However, please note that the planned launch date for this game has been postponed (some weeks). So, it doesn’t have a solid launch date yet. Cheers
I backed the first Skytear Horde game but haven’t even opened the box yet 😬. Maybe I can get around to it this weekend.
I like what I've read about Raising Robots and definitely consider backing it. 🤖
The slower pace fits me too. And same as Athena, I'm quite curious about Raising Robots, because the cards just look adorable. Though playing against AI... and another one... seems like a multi-pass. But I love robots, love the look, I'll check it out. Even if I pass. Story of my life.