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Watch your Back: Week May 28 to June 3

Writer's picture: AthenaAthena

Busy, busy, busy end of May! Let's dive into it.


Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of Venice returns to Kickstarter on May 30 with the Apocalypse expansion. The base game is a 1-4 player cooperative stealth adventure game in which members of a brotherhood of assassins carry out missions in Renaissance Venice.

The new expansion takes place in the jungles of Cambodia where you have to chase a rogue assassin. Triton Noir says there will be an open world system that connects the game chapters.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: I wish this was a standalone expansion, as I like the setting more than that of the base game.


Conquest Princess: Fashion Is Power is a 1-4 player cooperative bag building game in which a team of space warriors face enemies and try to reassemble the Conquest Princess robot. Heroes have asymmetric abilities and, if your play solo, you have to control all four of them.

Equipped with clothes and accessories, heroes spend action points to move, attack and engage with special location powers. Attacks are performed by drawing tiles from a bag. It is launching on Gamefound on May 30.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: I'm not interested in this but it reminded me of Fashion is Danger which always makes me smile.


Then we have Reversed Front: Dear Revolutionaries. This is a 1-4 player cooperative game in which you can either play as an anti-communist force trying to overthrow the Chinese regime, or as the Red Army of CCP trying to suppress the enemies of the state. The game is published by ESC, an organization which promotes the Taiwanese nationalist movement. It is launching on Kickstarter on May 30.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: Politics aside, nothing is known about the gameplay except that you can play as different powers that play asymmetrically. Seems interesting.


On the same day, May 30, on Gamefound, we have Rocky 'Roid: a 1-6 player PnP roll 'n' write in which you travel in space to mine asteroids, and then carry the resources back home to sell them in the market. You just need to print the sheets and have 4 D6 available. In the solo mode, you play against the Automaton.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: Not for me.


Studium: No Exit is a 1-5 player cooperative dungeon crawler in which a group of characters are brought together to enter the Studium and exterminate the monsters that live there.

Combat is performed by rolling dice, and characters can be upgraded as they gain experience. If I'm not mistaken, you have to control four characters if you play solo. As the game progresses, choices may have consequences on all members of the team, and romantic bonds may form between them. It is launching on Kickstarter on May 30.

Image source: Studium No Exit Facebook

Personal opinion: This one looks like a crossover between Kingdom Death: Monster and Middara. I might try it if I had money to spare.


Micro Architects is a 1-4 player city building game in which you are trying to fulfill goals by adding buildings to your city and making it attractive to the residents. In the solo mode, you are playing against an AI with its own set of action cards.

On your turn, you choose an action card and place buildings and residents on your board, trying to fulfill any of the given goals. It is launching on Kickstarter on May 31.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: I am very tempted to back this. The AI seems very easy to manage, and I love the look of the wooden player boards.


Chroma Mix is a 1-4 player hand management game in which you are mixing colour cards trying to make either ruby or sapphire. In the solo mode, you are playing against an AI.

On each turn, you play cards from your hand trying to mix colours and get the resulting colour card from the available cards in the market. Cards you gain may give you different abilities that you can use in later turns. It is launching on Gamefound on June 1.

Image source: Gamefound

Personal opinion: This is a good-looking colourful game, but I'm not keen on playing the AI's turns.


And a final note: Into the Godsgrave, which we covered in last week's post, is now launching on May 30 on Kickstarter.

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May 28, 2023

Wow, so many games! Thanks for covering them all!

I will reassess my curious interest in Into the Godsgrave, since otherwise, there is nothing that quite grabs me. I may check Reversed Front but it doesn't look smooth and easy to dive in.

As I stated elsewhere, I was quite excited about Conquest Princess, but seeing it in play has dispelled my enthusiasm to the last hint.

May 30, 2023
Replying to

Yeah, no. I came to the campaign with an open mind, but I still don't get it. If there is an app to handle quests, progress, and fights, then why do I need a board and big boxes to enjoy the game? Conversely, if there is an app, why is there a need for 60 miniatures and 200 tokens?

I really enjoy the feel of the game. The story looks better than your average Fantasy standard and the art is exactly what I like for a Fantasy game. I'm excited! But it's clearly not something I may personally enjoy in any way.

I wish they could release a full video game version of it so I could enjoy the story.


May 28, 2023

Nothing here speaks to me in a completely coherent way, however I recognise parts of some voices.

Reversed Front: Dear Revolutionaries is something I would never give a second look based on the theme. However, if I forget the theme and just look at the little there is in terms of description and pictures, this looks curious. But the theme is probably a deal breaker for me.

Micro Architects seems like a game for me. It's small, rather compact, cute, condensed. I've looked previously at other games in this line, Micro City and Micro Cosmos (even went as far as backed that for $1 with intention to upgrade, but I never did). They appeal to me greatly, I've read the…

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