Tulip profit
Gift of Tulips is a 1-6 player set collection game in which you are a visitor in the annual Dutch Tulip Festival, trying to acquire the most valuable tulip bouquet. It will launch on Kickstarter on March 2. (Update: Gift of Tulips launched on Kickstarter but doesn't have a solo mode after all).

To start the game, you first shuffle the Tulip deck to form the main draw deck. You also place four Festival cards on the table, and draw two tulip cards to place under the first two Festival cards. Festival cards determine the value of the tulips. Each player then draws two tulip cards, keeps one for their bouquet, and puts the other face down in a Secret Festival Pile, to be used at the end of the game.

On your turn, you draw one card from the Tulip deck, perform one action, draw a second card, and perform a different action. The actions you can choose from are: Keep a Tulip, Gift a Tulip, or Place a Tulip in the Festival (market or secret pile). When you keep a tulip, you add it to your tableau and score it according to its current value. If you choose to Gift a Tulip, you give it to another player and score its value. Otherwise, you place the card in the Festival market to modify the values, or add it to the Secret Pile.
When the Tulip deck runs out, the game ends. You shuffle the Secret Pile and draw 5 cards, adding then to the Festival market. This will change the tulip values. Everyone tallies up their score, and the highest one wins. Solo rules haven't been revealed yet.
PS. During the 17th century Tulip mania, tulip bulb prices peaked and then collapsed, causing the first market bubble in history.
Jan Brueghel's painting A Satire of Tulip Mania (c.1640) shows monkeys profiting from the tulips (the central figure is holding up a tulip and a money bag) and mourning their losses (the one on the right is pissing on the tulips that lost their value).

Oh, we have to buy a tulip
Yes, we have to buy a tulip
Oh, we have to buy a tulip
So we'll sell our home
And we'll sell our clothes
And we'll sell our shoes
Everything we own
We'll sell to you
Would you like to buy a tulip?
Would you like to buy a tulip?
Would you like to buy a tulip?
You can pick and choose
I have sold my wife
And my children, too
I have nothing but
Tulips to lose
Now there's some ancient art I can get behind. Less focus on absurdist or cubeism or whatever... more monkeys.