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Robinson Crusoe Collector's Edition is live

Writer's picture: AthenaAthena

Update: The Collector's Edition of Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island has launched on Gamefound and the campaign will run for 20 days. You may back just the Collector's Edition of the game, or just the Book of Adventures, or both. Owners of the game can pledge for the new material only (minis, Book and tutorial campaign). An all-in option that includes the Mystery Tales expansion and the Treasure Chest is available as well.

Our preview post below was published on March 17.


A Collector's Edition for Portal Games' popular cooperative game Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island is launching on Gamefound on March 23. It comes with miniatures, a tutorial campaign, a scenario book and an (optional) companion app.

Image source: Gamefound preview

The tutorial campaign consists of 4 scenarios which are meant to help you gradually learn how to play the game. Miniatures for all the characters will be produced in partnership with Awaken Realms. The companion app will contain the existing 200 Event and Adventure cards plus 100 new ones, as well as sound effects to enhance immersion.

The Book of Adventures is a collection of all the scenarios from the base game, all the fan-made scenarios, and new scenarios created by Joanna Kijanka. Each scenario will have three levels of difficulty: children-friendly, standard, and very hard.

Owners of the game will get the chance to pledge for the new material only.

You may check the Gamefound preview.

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The Master Of Sinanju
The Master Of Sinanju
Apr 06, 2021

I still stand by my original comment......

Apr 07, 2021
Replying to

I have played through all the base game scenarios (and the recent expansion) of RC. I think the base game box contains everything you need for this game. All this extra stuff is just a way for the company to make more money.

The minis are actually problematic in gameplay because you can't stack them, and most people will end up using the original wooden pawns.


Cadet Stimpy
Cadet Stimpy
Apr 06, 2021

As of now, about 2500% Funded. Looks as if it's gonna make it. 🙂


Mar 25, 2021

Well, I was hesitant, but these plastic resin bananas add-on and the gorgeous dice volcano tower really swayed me over.

Apr 07, 2021
Replying to

I approve it if it has a gameplay purpose. If it's just to decorate the shelf, I can do better than this. 😄


Mar 19, 2021

Also, Awaken Realms "owns" Gamefound, so those exclusive minis for this edition would probably not see daylight if RC went with Kickstarter instead.

Or am I just being cynical?

Mar 19, 2021
Replying to

They sure made a golden deal, considering how attractive minis are for most backers. I see them as a hindrance in this game since stacking tokens for actions is much easier, but we are probably in the grumpy minority.


Mar 19, 2021

Next RC kickstarter:

People loved the digital cards idea, so now we'll just sell you an app for the "new and improved" paperless version. Do it for the environment, my peeps!

Get ready for literally hundreds of people requesting those digi-cards become a physical reality.

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