Lazy Links #1: a cool mix of distractions
Everyone loves distractions, and we are here to provide you some. Click, read, watch, and before you know it, it will be time for dinner and actual gaming.
As the deadline for The People's Choice Top 200 is approaching (remember to vote before November 4), we are posting the link to published Geeklists as a reminder: The 1PG's Top 20 Solo Lists for 2019
And if you happen to go to Essen, Glaya has compiled a Geeklist of the solo games you can find there
Who will be the start player? Not a problem for us, obviously. But this compilation by Mr. Shep is an amusing read: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Jeff is tackling a solo game of Cloudspire
Martin plays through the upcoming Hunted: Kobayashi Tower
The Gimpy Gamer plays Talon solo