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Rush M.D.: ICU is live (Intensive care)

Writer's picture: AthenaAthena

Update: The ICU expansion for Rush M.D. has launched on Kickstarter, and the campaign will run for 20 days. You may either back just the expansion or get it together with the base game. Sleeves and the stretch rewards from Rush M.D.'s previous Kickstarter campaign are available as add-ons.

Our preview post below was published on April 18.


Rush M.D.: ICU is an expansion to the 1-4 player real-time cooperative game, Rush M.D. The expansion adds an Intensive Care Unit and four new clinics to the Medical Centre of the base game. It will launch on Kickstarter on April 21.

Image source: Artipia Games Facebook page

In the solo mode of Rush M.D., you play as in a 2 player game but give yourself one extra minute to complete your objective. Objective cards require a specific number of patients to be cured, an amount of reputation to be gained, and give you a medical point penalty if you fail to treat the patients. Each game consists of four rounds, and each round has three action phases: Admission of patients, Examination, and Treatment. Doctors and nurses are represented by hourglasses. Each patient card shows the patient's value in prestige points, their condition (if it is critical or not), and what type of treatment they need or what kind of examination they have to take.

To perform an examination, you place your doctor hourglass in the corresponding spot, and within the hourglass time, you have to complete an action that tests your dexterity or observation skills: use tweezers to grab tokens or flip tokens until you find the right one, or recognize the bed identification on the X-ray card. All actions in the round have to be performed within 5 minutes. If your medical points go down to zero, you lose the game, and if you complete your objective, you win.

Image source: BGG (from Rush MD base game)

The upcoming expansion will include new types of examinations and treatments (electrocardiograms and defibrillation among others), new patients, and new objectives.

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