Famous last words 2020: Brady Sadler
2020 brought us a global pandemic and, along with it, social distancing, masks, financial uncertainty and postponed delivery dates. For our end-of-the-year special we decided to turn to some of our favourite solo and soloable game designers and ask them to share their own experiences, feelings, plans and hopes both for the year we leave behind and the year to come. Every day until December 31 we will publish one of these short interviews (we have no patience for long ones). Our guest today is Brady Sadler. Designer of the Deathwing Space Marine and Tyranid Enemy packs for Space Hulk: Death Angel, and more recently with his twin brother Adam of games like Street Masters and Altar Quest. He was kind enough to answer our 3+1 questions.

1. Nobody likes being forced to stay at home, but did the quarantine actually help you concentrate on your design work? Or did it instead feel restraining and cause designer's block? Did you miss any face-to-face meetings or conventions?
I've actually been working from home for the last 7 years or so, even before I got back into the game industry full-time, so it's pretty normal for me. However, with the kids' school closed down off and on earlier this year and us deciding to build a new house, it's definitely affected my productivity.
However, I feel grateful for being able to continue working at my job and manage to stay healthy throughout 2020, because I know others have had a much harder time. I do look forward to returning to conventions next year (fingers crossed).
2. Marie Kondo shows up in your dream in the form of a yokai. She is throwing away your entire board game collection and only lets you keep one game: the one that 'sparks the most joy'. Which one is it?
I'm not sure who Marie Kondo is, haha, but if I had to choose a single game currently, I'd probably go with Marvel Champions (as long as I get to keep all the content as well, haha).
3. We are a news website, so we will obviously ask you to share your plans for 2021. Anything us solo gamers can look forward to?
Blacklist Games has lots coming up in 2021! We have several solo-friendly games releasing at various points throughout the year, including Hour of Need, Contra: The Board Game, Buddy Cop, Dire Alliance: Horror, and Boruto Naruto: the Next Generations Board Game. Additionally, we tentatively have several Kickstarter campaigns planned to launch new solo/co-op games. 🙂
Bonus question: As you are a drummer, which famous band(s) would you like to tour with, once the pandemic is over? And which famous album would you love to have played on?
If I could tour with anyone right now, I'd have to go with Freedom Call, HammerFall, or Rhapsody, just because I've been listening to lots of epic fantasy metal lately. Or Trans-Siberian Orchestra, because that's almost all I listen to leading up to Christmas.
If I could have played drums on ANY album, I'd have to say Bon Jovi's "Slippery When Wet" because I'd have enough money from royalties to be retired by now. 😛
Thank you very much for participating, Brady! All the best wishes for 2021. Where can our readers follow you online?
On the Blacklist Games website, also on Facebook and Twitter.
Yes, Street Masters always puts a smile on my face. Just this week I've played my first game of Altar Quest and I can't wait to go in again.
Awesome! I'm a huge Sadler Bros. fan and actually just recommended Warhammer Quest to someone on Facebook. Street Masters is one of my all-time favorites and Altar Quest is catching up quickly.