Cloudspire: Ankar's Plunder is live (Chips in familiar and new flavours)
Update: Cloudspire: Ankar's Plunder and reprint of the base game is live on Kickstarter, and the campaign will run for just 9 days. You may pledge for the two new factions, The Uprising and Horizon's Wrath, plus the Hero's Bounty pack (Relic and Event cards for Cloudspire). Or, you may get the new factions plus miniatures and an art-and-scenario book.
If you're new to Cloudspire, you can acquire the base game in this campaign, and even go all-in to get everything that has ever been produced for it (expansions, playmat, premium chips).
Our preview post below was published on April 10.
The 1-4 player solo, co-op, and PvP tower defense game, Cloudspire, by Chip Theory Games returns to Kickstarter for a reprint on April 14. Along with it, two new factions will become available: The Uprising and Horizon's Wrath, each of them with four solo and two co-op scenarios. The company will also release new scenarios for the base game which may or may not be Kickstarter exclusive (remains to be seen).

The Uprising are a rogue faction with a hidden base, which means that it is not connected to main map. They use a gate through which they teleport onto the battlefield. They have a leader, Netorut, but operate by recruiting mercenaries from the market. When you set up the game, you will draw a number of heroes, minions, and spires from the market pool. You then place gates on the map and pay a cost to bring your forces out. Gates act like fortresses, and take damage from the opponent.
Horizon's Wrath are sky pirates, and their base is an airship. To move from the ship to the board, they have to place a plank. They have forces with special abilities: e.g. ranged attacks or modified attacks depending on the place of the opponent, as well as flying units. If an enemy ever arrives at their doorstep, they can activate the captain's cabin and pull the plank from underneath the enemy's feet. The airship is also equipped with cannons which they can fire to hit enemies at a distance. Once per game, they may even reduce their 'source' down to zero and move the airship itself to another position.