My gaming has oddly been limited in the past couple weeks, even despite Lockdown 3.0 here in Ontario, Canada. 😦 But this weekend, I've been able to get Shadowrift to the table twice.
My first game this weekend, was on Friday and I decided to try my luck against the Fire Dragons again. I beat them 1/2 tries previously. And I got them again by closing both Shadowrifts!
So today, being a little cocky I guess, I decided to take on The Drow. How hard could a monster faction possibly be when you have no idea what they really are anyway... Right? Well, I'm here to tell you, I was completely wrong and humbled. The Drow took me down today. I felt a little overwhelmed at a couple points by their presence around the town, but I was managing; I killed off a few monsters and therefore was gaining some heroism cards (that are a big help) and I also managed to close one Shadowrift that had come up.
However, not completely understanding the power the Totems have that the nasty Drow add to their power, they eventually gave me a nice "slap in the face" and took me down (yes, pretty much exactly like the Ultimate Warrior is doing to Mr Perfect in the GIF here... LOL)
But, boy I sure enjoy playing! 😀
That WWE slap cracked me up. 😄 Glad you're enjoying the game!