It's been a nice relaxing Saturday here in Ontario, Canada. At lunch time today I enjoyed the Manchester United vs Tottenham game on TV (my United are back in the win column!). From there I had some time to get a couple games to the table, before Hockey Night in Canada AND going to watch my daughter's boyfriend's hockey game.
I decided to start off with Viticulture: Essentials Edition to make some wine this afternoon. I have yet to beat the Automa, and I was actually thinking early on in the game, that I should really consider moving to the "easy" difficulty until I get the hang of things. "Easy" difficulty simply adds an extra year to get your vineyard running smoothly (eight vs seven). But, I'm the type of gamer where I won't change something part way through, even solo. So I stuck to the usual 7-years.
I was SO CLOSE to winning. It actually came down to where the Automa blocked. There was actually two possibilities to allow me to win, and they had both blocked!! Bad luck. I had already used my grande worker (which allows you to place a worker where your opponent has) so I didn't have that option at my disposal. The game ended in a 20-20 tie. 😕
From there I still had some time, and headed from the Vineyard to the dungeon... One Deck Dungeon to be exact. I decided it was time to finally start a campaign as well! I chose to start on the "Easy" difficulty (because apparently based on past games, I'm a terrible dice roller 🤣).
I went with a random character draw. A little shuffle and took the first character up: The Archer.
I named her "HIldabrand", and was hoping she'd go deep into the dungeon to battle the dragon. In the end, she absolutely DID go deep but (due to my lack of dice rolling skill I mentioned), she didn't make it through even one battle. 🙄
Thankfully with now delving into a campaign, I can build up her abilities and work at slaying that dragon. 😉