Gettin' ready to start a game on the Easy level.
Image Source: Me
I've been binging a bit on Button Shy Wallet Games lately. This one is turning-out to be more strategic than I thought it was gonna be. I'm liking it, though.
You're trying to make Paradoxes (the number of them determined by difficulty level), which is 3 cards/relics of the same color, icon, or number. Cards with no color are Depleted Relics (except for Solar Flares) and cannot be used to form Paradoxes. The hand I was dealt to start are the 3 cards in the lower-left. I'm starting with my Sorcerer/Staff in the center (following a guideline for placement).
Using a card's number, moves my staff to the right (the future) that number (along the Continuum), whereas using an icon or color, moves it to the left (the past) to a like color or icon. For example, if I played my skull as a 1, I'd move my staff to the right 1 (under the purple key) and exchange that card (key) for my skull. Now I have 2 purples (2/3 of a Paradox). If I play my skull as a color, I'd move my staff to the left under that feather, since it's blue, and do the exchange again. If I played it as a skull, my staff would move 3 to the left (under the green skull) and I'd exchange again. If I did that, on my next turn I could use the Solar Flare card as a 3 (or 1) and then I'd exchange it for that purple skull. Now I have 2 skulls.
There are other things to consider and do, but, as Rodney Smith would say, "I'll leave you to discover that on your own." In my case, I'm just too lazy to type it all out. 😄 I think it packs a good punch for its size.
P.S. The crystals are from a different game. They don't fit in the 'wallet' very well. 🙂
Ah, crap, I misspelled the name of the game (fixed now). I had Antimony. 😕
Nice work! Game looks really cool. I may pick this one up, eventually.