This week I'm playing some Apex Theropod. 🦖 It's a thematic deck builder, where all dino decks and bosses play a bit different.
I've got the first edition, with all expansion packs from the second edition and playmats from the collected edition 😁
I like how adapting (which Evolve cards to buy) and planning (when to set an ambush) work - in this smooth and uncomplicated game.
I also think it's fun that even if you win, the deck will inevitably tell you there's an asteroid heading your way.
I bought myself the Collected edition a few years back… Athena wrote a nice post about it and it caught my interest. Unlike Zerbique, I enjoy deckbuilders. But (like Zerbique) I tend to not open my games if I have doubts. In this case, I believe it had something to do with a convoluted manual or some such. If the learning curve isn’t so bad I may just give this one a go.
I really should try it one day... I guess.
My issue is, if I end up not liking it after a few plays, it would lose a good chunk of its re-sell value just because I opened it. Which is a silly thought to have, because I don't buy games in the idea of re-selling them. I just have my persisting doubts with this one. Dinos are the epitome of cool, but deck-building is not my jam.