I have some time before my next client this morning, and thought I'd post this since I listened to the podcast recently. Jamey Stegmaier (Stonemaier Games) did a podcast/YouTube video answering 15 questions about his gaming hobby habits, which he received from another designer as a fun thing to do.
I thought it'd be fun to do here with the ST gang for those interested... 😀 Here we go!
1) Favourite childhood board game?
I grew up playing board games (not as much as now) often, however it was always the typical/mass produced games like Monopoly, snakes and ladders. Roll and move kind of deal. Not much strategy. So when I got Hockey Challenge, I loved it! It was very luck based as well, but for some reason it hooked me. I have memories of my Dad and I having some epic games when I was young. I still have that game!
2) First game you purchased?
I can answer this in two ways:
-The first modern game we purchased (as a family) was Exploding Kittens.
-The game(s) that knocked me down the rabbit hole to create the gamer I am now were Scythe and Raiders of the North Sea (bought both for my birthday).
3) Your breakthrough game?
Presuming this means the game that kicked you into "high gear" in the hobby, I want to say it was Scythe (definitely was for solo play), but honestly it was Pandemic. Despite playing Catan, Ticket to Ride and Exploding Kittens prior to Pandemic, it was Pandemic that made me start my deep dive into learning more about modern gaming.
4) A theme that always draws you in?
I definitely have more than one:
-Other things I love (fishing, sports, wine/beer/spirits, art...)
5) A mechanism that always intrigues you?
Again, more than one:
-Worker Placement
-Deck building
-Area Control
-Hand Management
6) Cooperative or competitive?
I do enjoy both and I'm up for either. It can really come down to who's playing. If someone is more reluctant to play, I find it's easier to convince them that "we'll be working together" in order to get them interested.
7) Newest game in your collection?
Viticulture World: A cooperative expansion
8) Favourite player count?
1-4 honestly. Solo is of course my MOST enjoyable player count now, which I think deters me from playing with any more than 4 players if that was to ever come up. I just find that more than 4 people (as good as some games can get) it creates more opportunities for frustrations (players taking too long, games going much longer than normal etc...). Up to 4-players is my happy place.
9) What player colour do you use most often?
Blue or yellow. My soccer club was/is blue and yellow, so it's really become a part of me after a couple decades. 😀 They're my favourite colours.
10) Read the rulebook or watch a how to play video?
Both. Plus diving onto BGG forums. Modern gaming is great in that regard. I always read the rules first and try a playthrough or two with just the rulebook if/when possible. Then when questions arise from there that I can't quite figure out, I typically jump to BGG forums first. Following that if I still have more questions and simply want to familiarize myself with the gameplay and rules, then I'll check out a video (while avoiding strategy videos).
11) Favourite snack to eat while playing board games?
I typically don't eat while playing board games. I don't want stuff all over my game, especially if it's greasy like chips. If they are around while playing with others, I make sure I have something to wipe my hands with and try to keep the food away from the playing area.
12) An unrealeased game you are most looking foward to?
My two pre-orders I'm waiting for: Eleven: Football Manager and Distilled.
13) Open and punch a game right when you get it or wait until you play it for the first time?
Right away!!! Unbox, get excited about the components and the new game, read through the rules and just get it organized at the very least if I don't have time to play right then and there.
14) What is your favourite thing about the board game hobby?
Not only the hobby, but the solo aspect of the hobby as well has;
-Allowed the same fun as video games but without more screen time
-Mental exercise
-New adventures and experiences with every new game you learn
15) Any hobbies other than board games?
Oh boy... I don't get bored because I have so many things I love to do and that I'm interested in:
-Playing and watching sports
-Paddling (canoe, paddleboard, kayak)
-Fishing (especially fly fishing this year!)
-Fly tying (learning in progress)
-Art (drawing in particular)
-Music (guitar/performing gigs)
-Video games (to a much lesser extent than when I was younger, but still enjoy it sometimes)
-Learning bushcraft
-Learning and experiencing nature
Oh, I missed 13: Open and punch a game right when you get it or wait until you play it for the first time?
There's no method to my madness.
So many questions! Okay, here are my answers.
1) Favourite childhood board game?
I had to check when childhood ends, but I guess back then it was Yahtzee. Or, if it has to have a board, Stratego.
2) First game you purchased?
I honestly don't know. Most games were gifts when I was young. We had them as a family. One I got for a birthday that felt like a new experience was Scotland Yard. I did buy card decks as souvenir when I was on vacation - to play Patience. First board game I bought myself was probably Talisman.
3) Your breakthrough game?
Warhammer Quest and later Knizia's Lord of the Rings were my introduction to cooperative games. At the Gates of Loyang made me fall in love with Uwe Rosenberg's designs.
4) A theme that always draws you in?
I like to be surprised. From Comancheria to Messina 1347, if a theme has not been done 5,000 times I'll probably be interested.
Also: farming and fantasy 😄
5) A mechanism that always intrigues you?
I've got a lot of deck-building games, but to say I'm intrigued by them would be overstated. I really like "dice as workers" as well.
6) Cooperative or competitive?
Cooperative. I go to a local game club every Friday, and keep giving people hints during our competitive games 🙄
7) Newest game in your collection?
Volters Lead the Way! It's like In Magnificent Style, but silly and in space. Ah, that's it. Of course! The theme that will always draw me in is SF.
8) Favourite player count?
One. But I don't necessarily prefer one-handed solo - depends on the game. For competitive multiplayer games I prefer three players. Any more and I start yawning in between my turns.
9) What player colour do you use most often?
Red. Mainly because it's in most games. If a game has purple I prefer that.
10) Read the rulebook or watch a how to play video?
Rulebook. I really don't like to watch a video to learn something. Can't scan like I would when reading. Also video people make mistakes. I want to make my own.
11) Favourite snack to eat while playing board games?
Not different from favourite snack while doing something else. Carrots. Unless I'm drinking beer, then I prefer nuts.
12) An unreleased game you are most looking foward to?
I think Freedom Five will be fun. Or, if it needs to stay unreleased, Onimaru.
14) What is your favourite thing about the board game hobby?
It's an active distraction that makes me feel good. I don't like physical exercise, so it won't be a healthy body that will make a healthy mind.
15) Any hobbies other than board games?
Not really. There are some things I enjoy though. Reading, mainly SF and sometimes Fantasy these days. Riding a bicycle, not as exercise, but just to be outdoors. Listening to music.
1) Favourite childhood board game?
This has to be Dungeons & Dragons: The Fantasy Adventure Board Game. I got it at age 12. It was very fun, the minis were great, but the big negative of it was that it required a Game Master. It meant I couldn't play it alone, and I think the game is boring for a Game Master!
2) First game you purchased?
Good question. I guess it probably was a Zombies!!! expansion, likely the first one, Zombie Corps(e). Or maybe some extra packs for Zoon, a card game I was a fan of when I was a teen.
3) Your breakthrough game?
Undeniably One Deck Dungeon, one of my first solo game purchases.
4) A theme that always draws you in?
Fantasy of course. And board game implementations of arcade games (even though I have never played any for real).
5) A mechanism that always intrigues you?
Pattern Building.
6) Cooperative or competitive?
I usually prefer competitive games for multiplayer. My favorite type of multiplayer games are Dudes on a Map, which are usually intrinsically competititve.
7) Newest game in your collection?
Newest purchase? Newly received? Newly received is Pandemic: The Cure. Newest purchase is Space Invaders alongside Rolling America.
8) Favourite player count?
Either 1, 3 or 5. Duels are too antagonistic, so I like a third player to add negotiation and leeway. But 5 balances things out even more. You need to have fast players though.
9) What player colour do you use most often?
Black, if available.
10) Read the rulebook or watch a how to play video?
Read the rulebook. I think the ratio of info you get per unit to time in videos is far too low to be sustainable for my rather impulsive frame of mind.
11) Favourite snack to eat while playing board games?
I usually play my solo games while sipping a cup of herbal tea. Otherwise, it's M&M's.
12) An unrealeased game you are most looking foward to?
Let's say Materia Prima: Inquisition to finally get to play the core game (the Inquisition expansion adds a solo mode).
13) Open and punch a game right when you get it or wait until you play it for the first time?
Neither! Getting to play a game is a long process. First I receive it. Then, weeks or months later, I may punch it, sort the components, sleeve the cards sometimes. Another while later, I would read the rules. Then one or two weeks later, I would finally play the game. So, games can stay in shrink for a long time, and even when I open them, there is no guarantee I will play them right away (case in point: Euthia).
14) What is your favourite thing about the board game hobby?
Well, having fun playing games, no?
15) Any hobbies other than board games?
I don't have many more hobbies besides board games. I used to be interested in Tolkien and discussing a lot about it. I read sometimes but I wouldn't consider it as a hobby. I like to do jigsaw puzzles from time to time.
What a fun idea, Derek! I had much pleasure reading through your answers!
I'll give you mine tomorrow.