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Jun 30, 2020
Sorcerer: Endbringer is live (Sorcerer versus Endbringer)
Update: Sorcerer: Endbringer is live on Kickstarter and the campaign will run for 23 days. You may pledge for just the new expansion and...
219 views0 comments

Jun 30, 2020
Roar and Write! is live (King of the dice jungle)
Update: Roar and Write! has launched on Kickstarter and the campaign will run for 23 days. You may back for just a copy of the game or...
117 views0 comments

Jun 30, 2020
Hybris: Disordered Cosmos is live (Rise of the ancient gods)
Update: Hybris: Disordered Cosmos is live on Kickstarter and the campaign will run for 22 days. There is a single pledge tier that gets...
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Jun 30, 2020
Everybody grab one: July KS Grumpy
Athena: JW, a heatwave is going to hit Greece in a few days. Not the best conditions for gaming... Are there any good Kickstarters to...
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Jun 29, 2020
Rise of the Amazons is live (Amazonomachy)
Update: Rise of the Amazons is live on Kickstarter and the campaign will run for 23 days. You may pledge for a copy of the game or order...
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Jun 26, 2020
And on his farm he had an alien, e-i-e-i-oh
Blorg in the Midwest is a 9-card hand-management game, in which you are Blorg, who took the family saucer for a joyride and crashed it...
384 views2 comments

Jun 25, 2020
MYRRK Book One is live (Fighting in a 3D Fantasy)
Update: MYRRK Book One: The Blighted Well is live on Kickstarter and the campaign will run for 29 days. You may back MYRRK as an e-book,...
336 views0 comments

Jun 24, 2020
The soothing sound of placing meeples: board game ASMR
An exhibition called 'Weird Sensation Feels Good' is currently running at the ArkDes (National Centre for Architecture and Design) in...
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Jun 24, 2020
When you are not hyped about Jaws of the Lion (but everyone else is)
What you go through if you are subbed in the Solo Gamers group on Facebook, and you are NOT interested in Jaws of the Lion: *scroll*...
352 views1 comment

Jun 23, 2020
Kradia: Wild Hunt Festival is live (Boss hunting festival)
Update: Kradia: Wild Hunt Festival is live on Kickstarter and the campaign will run for 15 days. You may either back a copy of the game...
394 views0 comments

Jun 23, 2020
Air Leader Expansions is live (Fly me to your Leaders)
DVG Air Leader Expansions is live on Kickstarter, and the campaign will run for 21 days. Not only does it bring new expansions for Hornet...
408 views3 comments

Jun 23, 2020
Roll Player Adventures is live (Take your Roll Player on an Adventure)
Update: Roll Player Adventures has launched on Kickstarter and the campaign will run for 24 days. There is one pledge tier for the base...
650 views0 comments

Jun 23, 2020
Surviving low Earth orbit
Update: Intrepid is live on Kickstarter and the campaign will run for 16 days. There is only a single pledge tier that gets you the game...
373 views0 comments

Jun 23, 2020
Unlikely Heroes is live (Small time Heroes)
Update: Unlikely Heroes is live on Kickstarter and the campaign will run for 29 days. You may back one box, three boxes, or get all three...
182 views0 comments

Jun 22, 2020
The Three Mouseketeers
Forest Guardians by Marta Viader (user Bunyol de Vent on BGG) is off to an impressive start. Winner in the 2020 - 9 Card Game Print and...
799 views3 comments

Jun 21, 2020
Hoplomachus: Fall of Rome
Hoplomachus is a series of gladiator-themed games by Chip Theory Games, and it's about to die. No more reprints, stock is limited, some...
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Jun 16, 2020
Terraforming Mars Big Box is live (Vacuforming Mars)
Update: Terraforming Mars Big Box has launched on Kickstarter and the campaign will run for 16 days. The pledge options are: 1) A 'small'...
492 views0 comments

Jun 16, 2020
The Age of Atlantis is live (The fury of Poseidon)
Update: The Age of Atlantis is live on Kickstarter and the campaign will run for 33 days. There is only one pledge option for a copy of...
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Jun 15, 2020
Clearing the Mist
I could have waited a bit longer to write this post, but Mistfall requires dedication and repeated plays. It would take me a month until...
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Jun 15, 2020
Monumental: African Empires is live (African Empires added to Monumental)
Update: Monumental: African Empires has launched on Kickstarter and the campaign will run for 19 days. You may back just the African...
156 views0 comments
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