
Jan 21, 2023

Watch your Back: Week January 22 to 28

As we approach the end of January, things are still pretty chill in the solo crowdfunding scene: just a few projects to keep us interested without getting overwhelmed. Let's see what they are.


We'll start with Deep Shelf: a 1-4 player economic game in which you play as a deep sea mining corporation extracting minerals from the ocean. Your goal is to make the most profit while also avoiding an ecologic catastrophe.

Gameplay is card-driven: you will be playing cards from your hand, one after another, and executing their actions. There is no mention of a solo mode just yet, but it's listed as a soloable game, so we'll see when the Kickstarter goes live on January 23.

Image source: BGG


Moving on to the reprint of Perdition's Mouth: Abyssal Rift, only for US customers. The Kickstarter campaign on January 23 is only targeted at the US audience because of availability issues.

The game is a 1-6 player cooperative dungeon crawler, known for its euro-y mechanisms. It is scenario-based, and actions for the heroes and the monsters are determined by their respective rondels.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: I'm not a US resident, so the KS isn't for me, but it reminded me of my wish to buy a good old dungeon crawler. I'll have to watch a video and think about it.


Then we have Witchbound: a solo story-driven game in which you are a young witch exploring the island of Coven Cove and its dark secret. The game works like a picture book with numbers that you can interact with in each picture. You can look at and touch objects, and converse with people to progress the story. It is launching on Gamefound on January 24.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: I watched a demo playthrough of this. It's cute and very video gamey. I decided to skip it for now and keep it in mind when it hits the stores, if I need a relaxing RPG-like activity.


And lastly, Batman: Escape from Arkham Asylum is launching on Gamefound on January 24. This is a 1-5 player semi-cooperative adventure game in which you play as Gotham City villains trying to defeat Batman (and achieve their hidden objective, if you're playing multiplayer). You will have to craft weapons, attack enemies, and avoid raising the alarm level so as not to have Batman invade the scene.

Image source: BGG

Personal opinion: It sounds fun for Batman fans.


I should also mention that Manhattan Project: War Machine has been scheduled to launch on Kickstarter on January 24, and it is listed as a soloable game on BGG, but the Kickstarter video ad says it's a 2-4 player game.
