Apr 2


Roll-with-It: Modern is the second installment of a roll and write trilogy, containing six modules again – with each module containing several chapters. Though the base rules of all Roll-with-It games are the same, modules have special rules to keep things interesting.

Gameplay takes place on a map, the adventure sheet. You draw a story card, handle any effects, roll your dice and start moving. Triggering effects, working towards your goal. Some of your dice can be used for attacks or special actions. When you’ve done your stuff, enemies attack or interfere n some other way and doom progresses (new dangers are set up for the next round). Themes this time around are:

  •  Outlaws of Deadwood - you are the Sheriff versus an outlaw gang in the Wild West

  •  Lost City of Gold - you are an adventurer searching for a lost fortune in the jungle

  •  Theme Park of Chaos - disarm bombs in a sabotaged theme park

  •  Shadows of Espionage - you are a master spy, taking on an evil syndicate of terror

  •  Highways of Speed - try to save innocents from raiders in the desolated badlands

  •  Wasteland of Survival - explore the apocalyptic wasteland, try to build a new home

Then next year, we'll have Sci-Fi.

The print and play edition of course has Bring Your Own Dice: you will need 18 normal ones (six of three colours each), a D4 and a D12. Then there’s 12 adventure sheets to print, and 180 cards. This is a bit much. But as the crowdfunding campaign for a boxed set of the first series (Roll-with-It Fantasy) failed last year, no physical product will be available. The Fantasy series did make it to Gamecrafter, so perhaps this one will as well, but that’s only an interesting option when you live in the USA (and when they've got enough dice 🙄).

Roll-with-It Modern will launch on Kickstarter later today, Tuesday 2 April. Older games will be available during the campaign as well.

#RollWithIt #Bailey #HumbleBardGames

Images source: Humble Bard Games website.
