Apr 17

Crowdfunding Catch-Up: Warfighter Chtorr

The latest installment in the ever expanding Warfighter Special Forces Card Game series is Warfighter: Chtorr. Set in the science fiction world of David Gerrold’s books, it promises a more streamlined experience (by reducing keywords) and an improved rulebook. It is stand-alone but can be combined with any other Warfighter core game – versions of the Modern era being the most obvious choice.

Image source: box cover detail

The setting is a post-apocalypse Earth, that’s being invaded by an alien species, the Chtorr. In every session you prepare a squad of soldiers for a mission, then you’ll place locations on the board – and hostiles get in your way. This time you can study the alien species to earn Field Points, that you then can spend on better equipment during the session. There’s new types of ammo to help you take out the aliens without blowing them to pieces – or there wouldn’t be much left to study.

Image source: Kickstarter campaign

As usual there are several expansions available, offering more soldiers, weapons, locations and full campaigns to play.

Image source: Kickstarter campaign

Personal opinion: I own Warfighter: Shadow War and it’s a good thematic card game. It can be very exiting and cinematic. I also enjoy building a team before starting a mission. I don’t have the money right now to back this, but I will definitely check it once it reaches retail. As I like the setting and I may be in the mood for fighting aliens more often than sending a team out in real world situations.


Warfighter: Chtorr is on Kickstarter right now and you’ve got only one day left to back. (Which is why we picked this game for the first catch-up post.)

#Warfighter #Chtorr #KVerssen #DVG

